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Teach your children well
Posted: Thursday, September 6, 2001

( Jahmeek ) I have seen cotton but I have never seen a white man. I have seen crisp ash but I have never seen seen a black man. I have seen blood but I have never seen a red man. I have seen dandelion but have never seen a yellow man. As a child I was never taught about differance in people by skin so how could I beleive iNi are anything but one of a creation of JAH 1 LUV

( RootsWomb(man) ) InI have seen the Black Man's (Afrikan) Holocaust at the hands of white (european) men. Black Man was tortured for 500 years plus so the white man's cotton could make him richer. InI have seen the Black Woman raped for hundreds of years for the pleasure of white men. InI see a global white supremist system still oppressing ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR. InI sight that the white man's religions and texts still pass as the "infallible world of god." InI sight that the white man is still MISEDUCATING the world.

Yes we are all ONE inna Creation...

But WHICH MAN has caused more destruction everywhere he has stepped foot? WHich man has NOT been his brother's keeper? Which man has caused more destruction unto Creation than any other?

IT is one thing to have a Utopian vision, which we all look forward to...It is another to face REALITY.

Teach the youths the TRUTH. Teach the youths that a man without the knowledge of his past is as a tree without roots. Teach the youths about Marcus! Teach the youths about the HALF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD! Teach the youths OUR-STORY! TEach the youths that "One Love" sounds pretty in songs, but a REVOLUTION of the Mind and Spirit must manifest, least "world peace" is but an illusion to be persued but never attained. Teach the youths GET UP, STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS! Teach the youths to HONOR THEIR ANCESTORS and to RE-BUILD a New and United Afrika!


( Jeff ) I have tried to hold my tongue while I read messages like this on these Rasta boards. I have was even convinced that this philosophy might be True and Right. Well, I know that the history you and certain others speak of is True, of course! Why sweep history under a carpet?

Come out with it and accept it and move on.....try and work together to create solutions, for ALL race issues wreaking havoc on this earth. Even in Japan there is race issues within those of the same Asian Blood! Half caste and things.....Tibet and China, Irish Protestants and Catholics, Hindu caste shituation, not to mention race issue within the Latin community, or shall we forget the Greek Spartans enslaving the whole Greek Healots three thousand years ago....and race issues within the African Community!

Race/speration issues between Black and White, Asian and White, Latinos, Indian...etc etc....etc etc.......on and on.....and on and on.....and then on and on again and again.....Sister, the devil within rules Man's hearts again and again.

Time to stop all the foolishness, back-biting, blaming, GENRALIZING GROUPS OF PEOPLE....and start to work together before we decide our fate on this beautiful Creation JAH has given us. I am but a poor, struggling "White" guy with a family, but I still want to do my part in Forwarding the Human Race. This ain't no "hippy" one love-thing, this is REALITY for All of us! We need to put aside blame and generalizing and work together for the sake of our childrens' children.

JAH Bless Us All,

( qe ) Blessed love, Ras Jeff, that was beautifully written in the spirit of HIM words that were left to guide us. though we surely can change no one's behavior but our own, give thanks for this timely and spiritual reminder of i'n'i goals--as set forth by Selassie-I, the Elect of God. BIG UP and raspect in every aspect--out of many i'n'i have CHOSEN to be ONE--one love, one people, one destiny, RASTAFARI!

( Ras Trevor Henry ) It is amazing how every time I an I try to move forward there are those who would see the need to distract and engage in debates that serves suspect purposes. There are many issues of Rastafari to be dealt with and there are those whose focus is on anything but I an I.

Please Brethren and Sistren do not get caught in those sterile debates. The nswers still would not satisfy some people, plus there is always Rastafari work to be doing. Several Boards have been destroyed by a certain attitude, but none has been built by it. Rastafari love

( Akin-Rastafari ) >>>> Come out with it and accept it and move on.....try and work together to create solutions, for ALL race issues wreaking havoc on this earth. <<<<

That "come out with it and accept it and move on" comes over quite condescending and disrespectful. You can easily shave your head and fit into the echelons of the European Capitalistic System. You would have less of a problem getting a job and your wages may be far higher that that of an African with similar abilities. Whether you admit it or not although you are a White Rasta, you are still part of the European privileged class and at this time you are enjoying the best of two worlds; the soul of struggling people together with accessibility to a more materially 'privileged group'.

Why should any reasonable person choose to accept a wrong that persists today?


Here it is qe rushes in again to agree with a platitude in another vain attempt to silence the voices of history. She has no problem with you posting without an email address. (This is not of concern to me but you are quite fortunate you were not someone else.)

What do you think we are dealing with if not the same slave mentality of worshiping Whites as superior coupled with another form of negative discrimination where wrongs are tolerated from one's peer group but for everyone else its a crime. Why do you feel so many christianized Rastafarians have a problem addressing Women's issues? We are dealing with the poor representation of women and Africans in their bibles and their ignorance of world history. Although many readily admit that these stories took place in Africa, it is done in a token manner and with contempt for our ancestors. Just examine what occurs whenever someone presents African History on this Board.

If people cannot find errors in Roots Woman's post, then what is there to oppose. Why is it necessary to mention all the other European crimes against other Europeans to show that everyone suffered? Whenever people talk about racial and gender discrimination that persists today Europeans try to control and dictate how the discussions must go.

It is not as if Europeans improved on what was in Africa when they went there but they destroyed what they placed their hands on. Even when they give 'aid/s' today it reaffirms in the minds of those ignorant of history that more White saviors have come (White idolatry is sustained).

Many on this Board use Christianity, with all its misrepresentations and contradictions coupled with their own misunderstandings to evaluate life.
How could reminding others of the atrocities committed against our ancestors be considered divisive or wrong if these events are true? We are still living through the oppressions of the past. Why is it necessary for Africans to develop amnesia in order to get along with others but everyone else is entitled to bombard us with their version of their sufferings? I do not hear many people calling the Jews divisive for showing numerous documentaries about their holocaust.

All the atrocities Jeff mentioned are about what Whites did to other Whites or non-whites and Europeans have little problems with compensating each other, but the issue of Slavery and cultural genocide should be placed on the back burner.

It was through slavery people were forced to adopt Christianity with its corruption of African philosophies. Today many Africans cannot even call a spade a spade. Look at the corruption before your eyes.

African Historians and sages have always spoken of the 'equality' of humans and Christianized Rastafarians and other Christianized Africans discard these brilliant minds in favor of a White Male Idol. Publicly they will disagree, but when you look at the amount of Africans who damage their skin using bleaching agents we know there is a serious problem.

With the exception of a few Rastafarians like IanI who post on this forum, most modern Rastafarians entered the movement because of both mental and material poverty. They just wanted to be accepted in a peer group notwithstanding their financial disposition. This is the reason many who call themselves Rastafarians today are no different to any other group of people who are ignorant of History and authentic cultural values. They were poor "Christians" and became poor Rastafarians with the same misunderstood Christian values.

People should not get me wrong as all of this is quite understandable but Rastafarian as a movement is still in search of core values to distinguish its body from the sea of ignorance.

This is the ongoing legacy of discrimination, which other Africans on this Board mentioned, that is part of the struggles of more enlightened African people today. Even on this Board Males and Females have problems conversing with reasoning Women.

For me, it is not a struggle about fighting for a bunch of ignorant people who don't care, or are unaware, but it is about the welfare of children under my tutorship.

In my country we have to privately raise funds (mostly from our own pockets) to put a better African story in schools. We have to use our personal funds to teach a better story about most other people. Christianized people including Africans do not support such efforts. They teach the children to live in hope of a salvation that never comes and is not of their understanding. All major 'religious organizations' are largely responsible for the poor mental health and the dependency syndrome that exists today.

Who are some persons on these public forums trying to put down? Is it the more enlightened person who can communicate a better story? Is it the person more knowledgeable of our past who can best ensure we do not repeat errors? Or are people advocating more hypocrisy, amnesia, and dependency so that a few could feel comfortable in the short term at the expense of our children's well being.

I could only speak for myself as a teacher who encourages students to follow these discussions to get a better understanding of the problems.

My position is quite simple; any group that does not have at the head of its agenda, the issues of race and gender misrepresentations together with the reappraisal of World history/culture to encourage a better human story, is fraudulent and irrelevant in today's context.

Keeps the sad game going.
It keeps stealing all your wealth -
Giving it to an imbecile with
No financial skills.
Dear one,

("The Gift" - versions of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky)

( TsunamiJobu ) I am new to this message board. Quite a few of the messages portray a people dwelling on the past and the anger associated with it. Justly so, I might add but, it is much better to learn from the past than to dwell on it.

I am a white man living in Compton, California, a ghetto of sorts, where I deal with people of all colors, races (if you believe they exist), ethic, and cultural backgrounds. I deal with discrimination on a daily basis, being THE minority in that city. I could take the discrimination to heart or just realize some people are ignorant. I choose the latter. The racial relations amongst the youngest generations are the best. We need to focus on these new generations to make it a better tomorrow.
I'm not saying ignore the past, we should teach the past and mourn its victims together as a society of equal, loving people. I feel the pain of the mistreated from the past and the present. Reparations have been made, my ancestors killed fighting for civil rights. I have decided to learn from the pasts mistakes and my own misfortune. I live my life to help better racial relations. We are all of the same person. It is time to teach that to our children in order to make their lives and the lives of their children better.

22 year old student

( Akin-Rastafari ) >>>> Quite a few of the messages portray a people dwelling on the past and the anger associated with it. Justly so, I might add but, it is much better to learn from the past than to dwell on it. <<<<<

What you might call dwelling on the past could be people simply using the past to inform their present. Many do have a right to be angry and should remain angry until they realize justice. People who are profiting from past sins are tied to past and present oppressions.

An illusion of a future in amnesia of past oppressors and victims is a fertile ground for repeating oppressions. To me, people who live in ignorance of our greatest past are stuck in the abusive aspect of our past.

I can speak for a few of us, and we dwell so far back in the past that we are the future.

If the future is about a more enlightened, self-reliant, hard working, creative people who can comfortably take care of their needs without stepping on the rights of others? Then some of us live in that state presently, which is deeply, deeply rooted in the past. Not just the past of human degradation, but all of the past including our Universal origins.

In other words, some of us went back to the future. If you think of it you would realize it is the only way.

( TsunamiJobu ) True, yet while dwelling on the past some people do not realize the future. Some atrocities can never be repaid. Understand?
And even if I could repay those atrocities, why should I be held responsible for something people did a long time ago that just happened to have the same skin color as me? The enemies are in the past. You will never be able to fight them there. Understand? I realize that the majority of people in my surrounding area suffer from some sort of prejudice. I am here to tell you that I do not. It is possible to have a white person not act with prejudice. With that knowledge I know that it is possible to have a large society, like the U.S., not suffer from prejudices. All we need is time and effort. This is a circular argument so I will not go on much further.

One question for you: "What you might call dwelling on the past could be people simply using the past to inform their present. Many do have a right to be angry and should remain angry until they realize justice. People who are profiting from past sins are tied to past and present oppressions."

What is this "justice" people need to realize? Is it feasible? Is it productive to society? Will this "justice" make the world a better place? Will it be a race war? Or maybe we lock up all us white folk for being white? That will show us right? What is going to have to happen? I don't think there are any decent answers to these questions. Me and you are fighting the same fight. The enemy is the ignorance of the past. We need to teach it in order for people to learn from it. We shouldn't use it to fuel peoples anger.

Living in the past is a great idea. And quite feasible as well. How far do we want to go? Human origin? Just tell me where the undisputed place and time it was where life began.

( Akin-Rastafari ) >>> True, yet while dwelling on the past some people do not realize the future. Some atrocities can never be repaid. Understand? <<<

This is funny, are you also the one to determine when people should evolve?

Yes, the atrocities committed against many people can never be repaid in a material sense, but at least Europeans and some so called Africans can make a good effort. A few trillion dollars to invest in education is a good place to start. The education is not only for Africans but for Europeans and everyone else also . Those with the slave mentality are equally as sick as those with the slave master's mentality.

>>> And even if I could repay those atrocities, why should I be held responsible for something people did a long time ago that just happened to have the same skin color as me? <<<

You are not being personally held responsible for everything. Most people including many Africans are also responsible. But there is the question of the personal responsibilities of individuals. You need to learn European History if you are really White, because you did not just happen to be White. White was the necessary depigmentation of some people for their survival and this should be understood and respected.

When some of us speak of White, we are mostly speaking about an attitude and not necessarily White/European people.

You are held responsible because you benefited from the sins. If you are advancing the argument that because you did not personally commit the crime you cannot be held liable, then the other side of that argument should be upheld as a principle. You did not work for the money so you are not entitled to any inheritance. I do not hear Whites questioning this principle whenever they are on the receiving end.

People live in societies that deny meritocracy and most Whites happily enjoy the comforts. These comforts are part of your inheritance; these are the sins of parents being passed onto children.

Why is it right for Israel, Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium etc to build memorials for their dead and preserve the legacy of their brutalities and it is wrong for Africans to revisit the past?

Today many Whites are revisiting the African past to learn more about where they came from but when Africans do the same many Whites and colonized Africans say we are dwelling on the past.

Some Whites in an attempt to deal with the legacy of European miseducation unintentionally commit more wrongs. They now often repeat the diatribe that race is insignificant, but they are the ones getting the large grants to do the explorations. They are still benefiting from their skin color but try to feed the lie that race is insignificant.

The differences in people are not only about melanin to protect from ultraviolet rays, but these differences speak about people's evolution and how they developed their worldview. Today differences in many people explain greater sins and amnesia. People are doing dangerous things to get straight hair and lighten their complexion. This is about economics, which is tied to the White skin color, so for many of those bleaching their skins it is about survival for which they are prepared to risk their lives.

They know the truth about economic resources being tied to skin color and they are not easily going to move from that position unless more people can present a better model of development that respects all manner of people.

>>> The enemies are in the past. You will never be able to fight them there. Understand? I realize that the majority of people in my surrounding area suffer from some sort of prejudice. I am here to tell you that I do not. It is possible to have a white person not act with prejudice. <<<

Ignorance and Greed, the two major enemies are not in our past but are very present today. And people negatively discriminate against others today. Sir, apparently you do not know the meaning of prejudice and when you are clear on the meaning you should revisit these discussions. You may be surprised to discover you are prejudice and possibly a racist. But that does not necessarily make you an evil person. You could be unaware of the numerous things you say and do that negatively impact on others. You could be making these comments to simply provoke discussions.

It is impossible for America to rid itself of racial and gender discriminations. The entire American economy is built on these poor qualities and if America were ever to genuinely pay for crimes committed against other people then America would have no money. You sir would be migrating to Africa to seek employment.

Yes it is possible to have a White person act without prejudice but I have not met one as yet. It is even difficult to find people who are not prejudice among all other people. But yes, it is possible but that comes through constant work on oneself.

>>> What is this "justice" people need to realize? Is it feasible? Is it productive to society? Will this "justice" make the world a better place? Will it be a race war? <<<

Justice is achieved by individuals who are self realized. But this justice does not come through amnesia but through seeking out more improved ways to address problems and live in harmony with nature.

Some people may resort to fighting with Whites, and that is understandable, however they would not get my support as I know the problem is not simply about Whites versus Blacks, but good over bad and right over wrong and in this respect many Africans are also on the side of wrong.

Your last point is a muddle of your own senses. However, we all have our past with us presently. Most people are simply ignorant of the true meaning of "You must know where you came from to know where you are going."

I will end by saying that in essence where you came from is exactly where you are striving to go to achieve happiness.

( RootsWomb(man) ) Greetings Akin-Rastafari,

Give thanks for the I's CRUCIAL WORD SOUND AND POWER!!!! Teach dem....teach dem!!!!!!

Also, it is CLASSICALLY EUROCENTRIC to seperate the Past from the Present and Future. The Afrikan Mind KNOWS that PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE ARE ONE! That is why First World Peoples HONOR their Ancestors. It is also why Marcus taught us that A MAN WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS PAST IS AS A TREE WITHOUT ROOTS. We are the PRESENT which CONNECTS the past with the future. It is a CYCLICAL movement. Not a LINEAR one. The linear mentallity is european by nature.



( TsunamiJobu ) I never realized, until now, that I was born with sins that can never be repaid. And I am obligated for life to repay these sins to others simply based on the color of my skin. My children (as long as their white?) will inherit these sins and pass them to their children and so on and so on.

Thank you for opening my eyes to the eternal damnation of my race. Human? Is there a human race?

Afraid not, just a bunch of different colored people, without the ability to forgive, running around mad at each other, for the un-repayable, sinful actions they committed on each other.

It is nice to live in your world, where the word forgive does not exist.

I am no longer worried about teaching my children well. Why would I, a white man, even want to have a child?

( Akin-Rastafari ) That is a mind-boggling evaluation of my prior contribution and if you cannot understand what you read that is further proof that the Eurocentric miseducation system does not even benefit White people in a meaningful way. This is the reason the holistic education about which we speak is for all people including Whites.

I hope you realize that I am responding to any person who may share your views and not only you because I do not know if you are White. You could be anyone trying to push a discussion.

Whites have no problem teaching innocent children that they were born in sin, so how come this concept coming from an African is so offensive to you? You and every other ignorant adult is a sinner by default of not knowing right actions to correct injustices.

You may be expecting Africans to only seek salvation in the spirit, (that is what the colonial interpretation of religion taught us) while Whites are continually trying to have it here and now in CA$H.

Our holistic approach to life teaches us to seek salvation on earth as it is in heaven. So we will no longer be blinded by the illusion of religion but instead be guided by the reality of true spirituality, which is about the restoration of justice here on earth for a fruitful life here and after.

Should you have children? Hmm... If you are not going to properly educate them so they develop to work for equal opportunity for all, they may become victims of others who may not be as non-violent and tolerant as myself. They may suffer for the sins of your ignorance and for the bigger sin you are committing today by trying to spread amnesia for education.

When I was a child and vulnerable, my ignorant teacher took me to church to confess, I was told to also give collection $. That is the teachings of 'colonial religion'. Europeans do not ask for forgiveness but expect others to forgive them. And even if they ask, it is up to whom ever they ask to grant or not grant forgiveness. All who are found guilty must also pay CA$H. (Restitution)

When European and American powers are truly sorry, they would not try to tell a free people what is adequate compensation. People do not commit crimes and dictate their own punishment.

You are not guilty because of your skin color, but for your attitude in relation to the 'benefits' you take for granted that comes with being White.

I have several White friends who understand the truth of our history and they work for the same restoration of justice like myself. In many ways they are still prejudice but at least they admit it and work on it daily. They don't go around trying to impose amnesia to replace education.

Now, I have communicated to you in the language that Europeans felt only they could master and interpret and I see you are having problems with the same English Language.

I could transmit this to you in many other ways but I feel you will not understand and may go mad from confusion.

( RootsWomb(man) ) Greetins!!!!

"Whites have no problem teaching innocent children that they were born in sin, so how come this concept coming from an African is so offensive to you? You and every other ignorant adult is a sinner by default of not knowing right actions to correct injustices."

INDEED!!!! Their whole religious foundations are built upon the "born in sin" CON-cept! Yet, when it comes from the Mind of an Afrikan...they rebuke it! BABBLE-ON....(babylon)...what a load of CON-fusion!

I just wanted to extend DEEP RAspect unto the I for the I's WISE Words. Teach dem!



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